Pictures and descriptions of the most important dogs in our ownership in the past, today and (hopefully) tomorrow.
Please use the
Guide to Titles to help you understand the Norwegian prizes and titles achieved by our dogs.
If you want to learn more about each dog, please use our Norwegian website and Google translate.

Elite Dog, Winner of The Silver Pheasant
(Falkrisets King NO 68/2595 - Snoehettas Stella NO 3053/69)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Streif was a quick and beautiful dog. He had multiple top hunting placements from 1972 - 1977. He became the best Norwegian dog and No. 2 of all dogs participating at the Nordic Pointer Match (dogs from Norway, Sweeden and Finland) in 1973. His great hunting skills and his good mentality made him suitable as the ancestor of the Bjonroa dogs.
Litters: 4
SITA NO 14784/72
(Ponto NO 9957/69 - Sorlias Biancha NO 993/69)
Description: Sita was of medium size with a very good exterior and a beautiful, well shaped head. After a car accident she had to cut her tail and could not easily compete in the top in the showring after that. Sita was an excellent hunting dog and she was exceptionally good at finding the birds. She became the natural ancestor of the Bjonroa dogs together with Streif.
Litters: 3

ROSITA NO 8825/74
Elite Dog
(Streif NO 9421/71 - Sita NO 14784/72)
Description: Rosita was the very first dog born in Kennel Bjonroa. She was a fast and very good hunter with a great ability of finding the birds. She earned 1AK in her first hunting trial as a grown up dog. In 1981 Rosita earned 2VK with HP at the Sweedish Championship and also 4VK the same year. Rosita became the mother of Bjonroa Litter No.3.
Litters: 1

OLIANNA NO 08460/81
(Streif NO 9421/71 - Sita NO 14784/72)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Olianna was a solid and very well built female with a beautifully well-shaped head and a good coat. She moved well. Her mentality was excellent. She was a wise and outstanding hunting dog with a natural ability to "report" and retrieve. These qualities were also passed on to her offsprings. Olianna was the mother of our legendary NJUCH Bjonroas Hekla.
Litters: 4

NJUCH Bjonroas
HEKLA NO 12793/84
Elite Dog
(Suluhogdas Andantino NO 16733/75 - Bjonroas Olianna NO 08460/81)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Descrition: Hekla was a model of the complete hunting dog. She is our highest winning Pointer ever. She was very cooperative and had an exceptionally great ability to find the birds. She had "report" as a habit, often repeatedly on the same bird. She was tremendously keen on hunting, and had high intensity and great stamina She hunted with even higher intensity the10th day than the first.
Hekla was a beautiful dog with particularly solid bones. She was in every way a lovely dog with an excellent mentality. All of her qualities made Hekla the dog of every ones dream.
Hekla was legendary when she earned 1AK with Top Prize of Honor (AEP) in hunting trial two days after each other. Unfortunately Hekla had pyometra and could not produce any puppies.
Hunting Trial Prizes: 1x 1UK, 1x 1UK with HP, 3x 2UK, 2x 1AK, 2x 1AK with AEP, 1x 3VK

(Larsvikens Marrik SE 40551/82 - Bjonroas Olianna NO 08460/81)
HD-fri A = Excellent.
Description: Kim Salabim was very well built with particularly solid bones and an extremely well balanced mentality. He was a particularly strong dog with great stamina. Kim was perfect when hunting in rough and steep mountains on the west coast of Norway.
His excellent genes were fully proven as the father of the two INT NSUCH Bjonroas Magnus and Bjonroas Melvin, and Mia who continued the Bjonroa genes. Kim was awarded Honorary Prize (HP) in Progeny Class (AVLKL) for his M-litter.
Kim Salabim reached the high age of 17 years and 2 months. His offsprings also became very old dogs.
Litters: 1

F'LISS NO 14563/90
(Likkos Pan NO 13437/85 - Bjonroas Hendy NO 12792/84)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Uglamarken's F'Liss was the daughter of Bjonroas Hendy, the sister of our legendary NJUCH Bjonroas Hekla. F'Liss was bought as an adult dog in order to be mated with Bjonroas Kim Salabim. We wanted linebreeding on Bjonroas Olianna and experienced F'Liss as a very nice and well balanced female.
F'Liss was important for our breeding. In her M-litter we had Mia and the two INT NSUCH Magnus and Melvin. F'Liss was awarded Honorary Prize (HP) in Progeny Class (AVLKL) for this litter.
Litters: 2

INT NSUCH Nord V-98 NV-2000 Bjonroas
MAGNUS NO 03810/94
Elite Dog, Winner of the Silver Pheasant
(Bjonroas Kim Salabim NO 34838/88 - Uglamarkends F'Liss NO14563/90)
HD-Fri A = Excellent
See pedigree here
Description: Magnus is one of our most outstanding dogs ever. As his father his mentality was extremely well balanced. Magnus was a powerful hunting dog with very high intensity and great stamina. He was exceptionally good at finding the birds.
Magnus had the best exterior Kennel Bjonroa has bred. He became more than 14 years old.
Hunting Trial Prizes: 1x 1UK, 1x 2UK, 2x 1AK, 1x 2AK

INT NSUCH Bjonroas
MELVIN NO 03811/94
Elite Dog
(Bjonroas Kim Salabim NO 34838/88 - Uglamarken's F'Liss NO 14563/90)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Melvin was a very enthusiastic companion, always ready for outdoor activities. He was an excellent hunting dog in every way and he kept his great enthusiasm and stamina throughout his long hunting life. Melvin achieved multiple high prizes in the show ring. He had a very balanced mentality, and just like his father, Melvin became a very old dog, nearly 16 years.
Hunting Prizes: 1x 1AK, 5x 2AK, 1x 3AK
MIA NO 03815/94
(Bjonroas Kim Salabim NO 34838/88 - Uglamarken's F'Liss NO 14563/90)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Mia was a very well built female with a wonderful mentality. She was a cooperative, strong and very clever hunter and was exceptionally good at finding the birds. She had "report" as a habit and was very clever at retrieving. Mia was important to the Bjonroa breeding as the mother of our P-litter, for which she was awarded Honorary Prize (HP) in Progeny Class (AVLKL).
Just like her father Mia became a very old dog, more than 16 years.
Litters: 2
NIVI NO 10587/97
(Nareggas Ubi NO 11313/93 - Uglamarken's F'Liss NO 14563/90)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Nivi was naturally obedient and she achieved her first prize in a hunting trial at only 9 months. Before she was 11 months she had achieved 2x 3UK, 2x 2UK, 1x 1UK, and she was awarded Dog of the Year in our regional bird dog club. Nivi ended her career as a competing dog in hunting trials because of an injury. However, she continued as an outstanding hunting dog. Despite her injury she had great stamina and she was exceptionally good at finding the birds.
Nivi had a very good exterior and achieved CERT and BIM at an international dog show (NKK) before she was one year old.
Nivi became almost 14 years old.
Hunting Prizes: 1x 1UK, 2x 2UK, 3x 3UK, 1x 2AK, 2x 3AK

INT NSUCH NV-05-07 Bjonroas
PAVLOV NO 12634/04
Elite Dog, Winner of the Silver Pheasant
(Altegeinos Andantino II NO 20237/97 - Bjonroas Mia NO 03815/94)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Pavlov is a very strong hunting dog with great speed, intensity and stamina. He is cooperative and has an excellent way of treating the birds. He has achieved several high prices in hunting trials. Pavlov has a very well balanced temperament and a friendly personality. He is excellently built and has earned multiple high prizes in the show ring.
Litters: 3
PLATON NO 12635/04
(Altegeinos Andantino II NO 20237/97 - Bjonroas Mia NO 03815/94)
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Platon is an excellent and very strong hunting dog with great speed, high intensity and stamina. He is exceptionally good at finding the birds. He has earned hunting prizes as a youngster. Platon is excellently built. In the showring he is an outstanding representative for Kennel Bjonroa with multiple BIG and BIS. Platon is a very nice and friendly dog with a balanced mentality.
Hunting Prizes: 2x 3UK
PEMIRA NO 12638/04
(Altegeinos Andantino II NO 20237/97 - Bjonroas Mia NO 03815/94)
Description: Pemira is a very clever hunting dog with high intensity.She has a great willingness to cooperate, which makes her particularly well suited for hunting in the forest.
Pemira is a very well built female and has achieved several high prizes in dog shows. Pemira has a nice and lively temperament. She is the mother of Bjonroas Q-litter.
Litters: 1
PILA NO 12637/04
(Altegeinos Andantino II NO 20237/97 - Bjonroas Mia NO 03815/94)
Hd-fri A = Excellent
Description: Pila was the first born puppy in our P-litter. Pila is a clever hunting dog with high speed and intensity. She is very good at retrieving. Pila is a lively dog with a nice and very balanced mentality. She has a beautiful and functional exterior built for speed (her name Pila means arrow). She has achieved several high prizes in dog shows.
QVIKKI NO 39374/09
(Rushlight Asco SE 49822/04 - Bjonroas Pemira NO 12638/04
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Qvikki is a firework of hunting pleasure, speed and willingness to cooperate. She has an excellent way of treating the birds. As a youngster Qvikki earned 2UK in hunting trial and she also earned the title Club Champion in the hunting competition of our regional Pointer Club (O/A). She is a beautiful, well built female with several high show prizes. She was the Show Dog of the year 2011 in O/A. At the Norwegian Kennel Club,13th of May 2012 Qvikki achieved CACIB, BIR and 4BIG
Qvikki has a pleasant and lively temperament, but she always takes the opportunity to relax when given a chanse. She is the mother of our R-litter.
QVANTA NO 39373/09
(Rushlight Asco SE 49822/04 - Bjonroas Pemira NO 12638/04
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Qvanta is a very strong hunting dog with great stamina..She keeps good contact, is a good seeker and highly giftet when treating the birds. Qvanta has a beautiful exterior and has a comfortable and balanced temperament. She has not participated in any hunting competition.

Mac Vargs A
(Bjonroas Pavlov N12634/04 - Silverforsens Party Animal S13347/2006)
Born 14th of April 2012
HD-fri A = Excellent
Description: Animalia Pavlova is from the combination with our Pavlov and Silverforsens Party Animal. She is named after her parents and joined the Bjonroa Family when she became 8 weeks old on the 9th of June 2012.
Animalia Pavlova meets her father Pavlov for the first time